This Festschrift for Irving M. Zeitlin honors a scholar whose work has influenced and continues to influence sociology, particularly classical sociological theory, sociology of religion, and historical sociology. Irving M. Zeitlin's scholarship and mentoring has also influenced and inspired a new generation of sociologists. The essays presented here address a wide range of topics that include classical sociological theory, globalization, bureaucracy, genocide, resistance, ethnic diversity, the intifada, anti-Semitism, democracy, geopolitical theory, war literature, science, and national culture. The contributions span a wide range of geographical areas that include Korea, China, India, Poland, Spain, Germany, the ex-Soviet Union, Canada, and the United States. These essays by eminent scholars located in many parts of the world affirm the incredibly broad range of expertise and learning that Irving M. Zeitlin's work has engaged with. The contributions to this volume also serve to highlight the contemporary relevance of the classical sociological tradition in making sense of the global human condition.
Contributions by: Professor Lord Anthony Giddens, Robert J. Brym, Zaheer Baber, Guang Xia, J.I. Bakker, Michael Zeitlin, Elijah Anderson, Maurice Zeitlin, Nedim Karakayali, John Keane, Parvin Ghorayshi, Randall Collins, Rod Nelson, Meir Amor, Andrew Eungi Kim, Irving M. Zeitlin