Through this third volume of the series Perspectives in Wellbeing, we offer students, academics, researchers and other stakeholders, an opportunity to listen to people, whose lived experiences ought to be closely considered in policy and practice. The book invites readers to explore and identify issues affecting different populations' social wellbeing, enticing the reader to go beyond their comfort zones in space, cultures, ideas, and ideology. If you wish to deepen your understanding of the complex factors affecting the wellbeing of diverse groups and communities, or aim to undertake research in these areas, this book is a valuable resource for you.
Contributors are: Roberta Attard, Andrew Azzopardi, Pat Bonello, Daniel Brincat, Anne-Marie Callus, Tea Cekic,Marilyn Clark, Joanne Cremona, David De Bono, Angele Deguara, Ruth Falzon, Marvin Formosa, Vickie Gauci, Natalie Kenely, Greta Darmanin Kissaun, Sue Vella, Mary Grace Vella and Mark Vicars.