An edition of twelve previously unpublished texts: eleven from the Louvre and one in a private collection, containing a letter, juridical texts of the genre of KAJ and some administrative documents. These texts are of diverse provenienceNos. 1-3 certainly come from Assur Nos. 9-11 were said to have come from Tell Amuda by the dealer; the site is identified with Urkis It must be noted that the tablets, on the other hand , mention Kulishinas in a privileged fashion. Nos. 5-8 may come, in part, from the same Tell No 12 from the site of Suri These texts, in their diversity, allow us to examine a part of the Middle Assyrian documentation, in particular the question of knowing whether or not the Middle Assyrian Code mentions the ilku the status of the villagers ( alaiuand their the clause of the reapers..., etc., or approaches the question of miksu. The edition contains copies of the texts and diverse indices ( PN, GN, and DN) as well as the list of texts with commentaries . Begun under the direction of J. Nougayrol , by M.-J. Aynard , it was completed by J.-M. Durand. Mr. P. Amiet has kindly appended to this study a sketch of the seals and a commentary about them.