Diener & Diener Architects,
based in Basel and Berlin and one of Switzerland's leading contemporary
firms, have had a special focus on residential architecture throughout
its 40 years of existence. The origins of the work are based in the
previous studio of Marcus Diener, founded in 1942 and joined in 1976,
and taken over entirely in 1980, by his son Roger Diener.
This new
monograph documents comprehensively this 'recherche patiente' of four
decades. It discusses 30 realised designs and unbuilt proposals that
exemplify Diener & Diener's philosophy, based on their
characteristics and individual urban context. Illustrated with
photographs, floor and site plans as well as archival images and plans,
and drawing on the firms archive and Roger Diener's collected lectures,
the authors investigate the typological design process on which each
project is based. Diener & Diener update and adapt fundamental types
to the requirements and restraints of each new task. The consistency of
this approach constitutes the significance of their work in
contemporary housing.
Other: Roger Diener