The papers were peer reviewed by a local panel. The objective of the meeting was to promote the progress of young scientists by means of training through research. The lectures are up-to-date monographs of relevant subjects in the field of condensed matter physics. Contributions include the following lectures: Electron-Phonon Interaction and Strong Correlations in High-Temperature Superconductors: One cannot avoid the unavoidable (The properties of the normal state and pairing mechanism in high-Tc superconductors, Forward scattering peak in the EPI, The FSP theory, The ARPES non-shift puzzle, Interesting predictions of the FSP theory); Strongly Correlated Electron Materials: Dynamical Mean-Field Theory and Electronic Structure (The basic principles of dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT), application of DMFT to the Mott transition, compare to recent spectroscopy, transport experiments; the key role of the quasiparticle coherence scale, transfers of spectral weight between low- and intermediate or high energies is emphasized); Monte Carlo Simulations of Quantum Systems with Global Updates (a model for doped antiferromagnets, first application of the hybrid loop algorithm, namely the t-Jmodel with 1/r2 interaction).