Extreme Programming (XP) is a fundamentally different way to create software: simple, yet disciplined, lightweight yet powerful, flexible yet rigorous. It's catching on like wildfire, as developers who try it discover not only its effectiveness, but the pleasure it returns to their work. Extreme Programming Applied is the place to start for any developer or project manager preparing to use XP for the first time. In this book, two pioneers in XP practice offer a complete introduction to applying XP at all stages of the software development lifecycle -- design, testing, implementation, and deployment. They introduce XP's key principles in the context of actual development challenges, explaining why XP's "soft" approach is more appropriate to software development than the "civil engineering" paradigms that are so widespread nowadays. This book goes beyond explaining XP's elements: it shows how the pieces fit together, demonstrating exactly how to make XP work for real projects in real organizations. For all project managers, developers, software engineers, and others interested in more effective, flexible approaches to software development.