Fontainebleau Fun Bloc is a new photo topo style guidebook to the very best areas of the forest. This is a unique style that includes over 1600 photo topos, which makes recognising the problems very easy, and includes every single problem in an area 1a-8c. This book will appeal to every level of climber, and particularly groups of boulderers that are of mixed ability who all want to climb in the same general area. It has also been designed to work with little use of language, since all of the problems are colour coded and are very easily identifiable. With over 7000 problems, this will give anyone a huge amount of fun. There is a large overview map on the inside front cover. Each area has its own approach map that is very easy to use, and shows best routes for buggies or those carrying giant crash pads. They also link together so you can easily go from one outcrop to another. Outcrop maps are highly detailed showing the outline of every boulder precisely. Every single boulder has been perfectly mapped for this book, and this level of detail is totally unique. The design of Fun Bloc is simple.
Every area has a very detailed layout map with all boulders perfectly drawn, and every single problem marked with a coloured dot. All boulders highlighted in green feature as full photo topos with lines marked, grades, and names of problems. The photography for this book has taken several years to capture all of the boulders in the best possible illustrative light. The graphics show all of the variations and even illustrate which holds are in or out. The book has also been edited by local climbers who regularly climb up to 8c. This book is the full beta of the forest by climbers who know it inside out. 26 principal areas are covered in 100% detail, featuring every possible climbing problem from 1a up to 8c. 17 individual children's circuits are fully illustrated bloc to bloc. 48 outcrop maps illustrate the exact location of over 7000 boulder problems - all colour coded and graded. Over 100 Fontainebleau circuits are fully covered in the book. Details for all local campsites and supermarkets are included. There are over 80 superb action photos which feature throughout the book to give it a very enticing feel. This book is dual language - in both French and English.