This two-volume collection brings together major contributions to the study of finance and growth. It includes conceptual and empirical papers that use a range of methodologies to discover the connections between financial systems - including financial contracts, markets, and intermediaries - and the functioning of the economy - including economic growth, entrepreneurship, technological innovation, poverty alleviation, the distribution of income, and the structure and volatility of economies. It also discusses contributions to the study of the legal, political, institutional, social capital and policy determinants of financial development.
With an original introduction by the editors, this collection is an important resource for students, academics and practitioners.
48 articles, dating from 1979 to 2013
Contributors include: D. Acemoglu, P. Aghion, T. Beck, S. Haber, R. King, R. La Porta, V. Maksimovic, R. Rajan, A. Shleifer, P. Strahan, R. Townsend, L. Zingales