A year after Richard III's death, a boy claiming to be a Yorkist prince appeared as if from nowhere, claiming to be Richard III's heir and the rightful King of England. In 1487, in a unique ceremony, this boy was crowned in Dublin Cathedral, despite the Tudor government insisting that his real name was Lambert Simnel and that he was a mere pretender to the throne.
Now, in The Dublin King, author and historian John Ashdown-Hill questions that official view. Using new discoveries, little-known evidence and insight, he seeks the truth behind the 500-year-old story of the boy-king crowned in Dublin. He also presents a link between Lambert Simnel's story and that of George, Duke of Clarence, the brother of Richard III. On the way, the book sheds new light on the fate of the `Princes in the Tower', before raising the possibility of using DNA to clarify the identity of key characters in the story and their relationships.