Do you believe that God still speaks? I do. I believe we serve a God who deeply desires to be heard; who longs for intimacy with His children. While the Bible is His primary means of communication, He speaks in other ways, too. Sometimes He uses a song or a sunset to bring His Word to life.
Sometimes He uses jellybeans.
Yes, I said jellybeans.
Are you ready to experience God in a new way? Are you willing to listen to His whispers, to follow His promptings? Are you ready to see with His eyes and hear with His ears? Then you are ready for Holy Jellybeans.
Holy Jellybeans is a collection of stories designed to whisper sweet words of comfort to the restless heart. It’s an invitation to explore the character, nature, and will of the only One who can validate you, the only One who can truly know you, and the only One who can satisfy the longings buried deep within your soul.