The premise in Continuous Living in a Living Universe that the Universe is alive with a well-developed immune system that rejects anyone or anything that is anti-life. Many religious and spiritual ideas are considered critically in the light of this idea of a universal immunity to evil. Recommendations are given for those seeking continuous living in the light. Near-death-experiences suggest we are destined for continuous living in the light or the dark. Electricity depends on polarity. How we live now appears to determine the polarity of our long term future. With the full weight of quantum physics behind the continuity of consciousness we cannot afford to ignore the wisdom of near death experiences. In The Vortex Theory companion to this book it was suggested that electric plasma in space could account for spiritual life in dimensions of energy beyond the speed of light. In Continuous Living the physical body is seen as scaffolding for an electromagnetic field; a plasmic - spiritual - body that carries consciousness beyond the grave. Ultimately it is for everyone to live in acceptance of others if they want to be accepted themselves because the Universe operates under the law of attraction. Each one of us will choose our own path. This book is only intended to shed a little light on the way.