Cardiodiabetes refers to heart disease that develops in people who have diabetes. Compared with people who don't have diabetes, people who have diabetes are at higher risk of heart disease, have additional causes of heart disease, may develop heart disease at a younger age, and may have more severe heart disease.
This book is a comprehensive guide to the diagnosis and management of cardiodiabetes.
Comprising 36 chapters, each one focuses on a different aspect of the condition, clearly explaining pathophysiology, symptoms and investigations, clinical diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment strategies.
A complete chapter is dedicated to the occurrence and management of cardiodiabetes and chronic kidney disease.
The text is further enhanced by clinical images, illustrations and figures, many depicting digital interventions.
Key points
Comprehensive guide to diagnosis and management of cardiodiabetes
Covers many aspects of the disease explaining pathophysiology, investigations, evaluation, diagnosis and management of each one
Includes chapter on cardiodiabetes and chronic kidney disease
Highly illustrated with clinical photographs, diagrams and figures