Organized for ease of use, the book's practice-focused information includes: *A quick reference for PTAB statutes and rules*Building patent trials into your litigation strategy*A detailed description of a PTAB trial from petition preparation to appeals to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit*Clear references to supporting laws, rules, and regulations Perhaps the most useful feature is a chapter on "Practical Tools" that compiles, in one place, all of the statutes, rules, and PTAB guidance covering PTAB trials, organized by topic. A busy practitioner can look up a topic, such as discovery, claim construction, or joinder, and have all of the collected guidance in one place. Practical Tools are organized using a simple, standard framework including CFR citations; PTO comments during rulemaking; PTAB orders and decisions; references to the PTAB trial practice guide; and informal guidance such as PTAB training presentations.