Software Engineering Research and Practice, is a compendium of articles and papers that were presented at SERP '13, an international conference that serves researchers, scholars, professionals, students, and academicians.
Selected topics include:
Novel Applications, Methodologies and Case Studies + Intellectual Property Issues + Education
Software Systems, Requirements + Middle-Ware + Software Development Process + Modeling and Architecture Description Languages
Software Architecture + Design Patterns
Unified Modeling Language / UML, Object Oriented Methods, and Case Studies
Usability Studies + Cost Estimation and Management + Software Testing, Analysis, Validation, and Verification + Performance Studies
Software Engineering and Management + Code Reuse + Software Maintenance Methods + Release Planning + Software Productivity and Quality
Agile Software Methods
Software Engineering and Embedded Systems
Software Engineering + Maintenance, Legacy Codes, Metrics, Collaborative Work, Software Process Improvement and Models, SOA, Case Studies