This clinically and culturally sensitive tool helps family service providers evaluate the strengths and vulnerabilities of children from 6 months to 3 years. The ITFI provides a clear, step-by-step way to question caregivers about their child's characteristics, daily activities, health, development, and family life in understandable language that feels natural and comfortable. The ITFI instrument includes: Caregiver Interview: This interview with the child's parent or primary caregiver covers three major areas: Home and Family Life (23 questions), Child Health and Safety (6 questions), and Family Issues and Concerns (6 questions). These direct, open-ended questions gather crucial information in a sensitive way and ensure that family service providers are covering the right topics with families.Developmental Map: This component helps professionals observe the way a child spontaneously moves, talks, handles objects, and interacts with other people. It covers nine different age intervals and key developmental areas: gross and fine motor, social and emotional, language, coping, and self-helpChecklist for Evaluating Concern: After the family visits are complete, professionals complete this checklist, divided into three sections: Home and Family Environment (13 questions); Child Health, Development, and Safety (14 questions); and Stressors in the Child's Life (11 questions).Plan for the Child and Family: Here, professionals develop a plan of action with the child's family. The ITFI instrument is sold in packages of 15. Flexible enough to be used in a variety of home visiting or center-based programs by family service providers from different fields with varying levels of education and experience, ITFI can be conducted in homes or in child care/medical settings. Learn about the ITFI system today.