The Essential Poetry of Bohdan Ihor Antonych: Ecstasies Nad Elegies
The essential Poetry of Bohdan Ihor Antonych: Estasies and Elegies includes ninety-one of the best works of this great Modernist Ukrainian poet, who was born in the Lemko region of Poland and who died in 1937 at the age of twenty-eight. It includes selections from A Greeting to Life (1931), The Grand Harmony (1932-33), Three Rings (1934), The Book of the Lion (1936), The Green Gospel (1938), and Rotations (1938), as well as poetry published outside of collections. Over half of the translations are appearing in English for the first time. Scholars have compared Antonych to Walt Whitman, Dylan Thomas, T.S. Eliot, Rainer Marie Rilke, and Federico Garcia Lorca. Michael M. Naydan is Woskob Family Professor of Ukrainian Studies at The Pennsylvanina State University. Lidia Stefania is Senior Researcher at the Polish Academy of Sciences.