Hearing and speech professionals globally recognise the importance of managing the needs of the whole person as part of any hearing rehabilitation program. While hearing aids, cochlear implants and other technologies form a critical part of a person's rehabilitation program, clinicians also need to be able to manage the person's adjustment to their disability; to understand the factors that motivate a client to change; to be able to aid the individual in managing their expectations of audiological benefit and to have ready access to strategies to facilitate this helping process. This book has been written to assist clinicians in providing their clients with a holistic rehabilitation experience. The text provides the reader with a psycho-social framework for understanding practice, while offering a range of practical strategies, tools and counselling ideas for use in the clinic, including the Montreal rehabilitation program, finally available in English. Representing a watershed in hearing rehabilitation, the book provides clinicans and students with materials that will aid clients in managing hearing loss where the technology leaves off.