Exam Board: Non-Specific
Level: KS2
Subject: Reading
First Teaching: September 2015
First Exam: June 2017
WordBlaze is a reading and spelling intervention programme for Key Stage 2. The WordBlaze programme is designed to be used over a two year period. The WordBlaze programme features six pupil challenge booklets that each contain enough material for one term, if focusing on teaching one letter pattern per week. Paddle the Amazon is the second booklet in the WordBlaze programme and covers the following rules and letter patterns: ai, ay, ee, ea, igh, -y, oa, ow, oo, ew, ue
Blazing Extras: al, el, il, wh, ould al/all, be-, HF words (not in patterns)
Other Challenge booklets in this programme include Booklet 1 - Row the Atlantic, Booklet 3 - Cycle Africa, Booklet 4 - Ski the South Pole, Booklet 5 - Run Australia and Booklet 6 - Conquer Everest