The evolution of human race with an unimaginable pace and scale has its own challenges. A matter of significant concern is the violation and exploitation of human rights at such a large scale that millions and millions of people all over the globe are adversely affected. This demands a thorough and elaborate exploration and understanding of “Human Rights and Law of Nations”. It is also an undisputed fact that most of the books and content available through various publishers is only limited to examination and compilation or mere elucidation of the international resolutions and conventions. This text brings in new dimensions and vision to the existing laws and rights that people are enjoying since the inception of human kind on the planet, in some form or other. Since the era of prominent thinkers of their respective times, Cicero, Grotius, Aristotle, and many others, their ideas and concepts still find reflection in most of the documents that are concerned with a well deliberate conception of human rights. Of much importance is the understanding of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which was adopted much later on December 10th, 1948 by the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization. This was the first time in the history that fundamental human rights took a shape of political-legal document to promote uniformity and following the footpaths of all human rights for all in 21st Century. In the current context, human rights development across the globe has become so persistent that the necessity and importance of these human rights cannot be overlooked. The foundations for the content and material is contributed by a number of experts and specialists in human rights. This has been possible only under the guidance of these eminent people, that we are able to come forward with a book that has the potential to open new vistas and insights of human rights law for all the readers including scholars, activists, teachers, students, politicians, government official’s lawyers, judges, social development planners, and everyone who wants to explore humans’ rights since their very inception.
This book discusses the efforts by United Nations to enforce and implement the human rights everywhere on globe with the aim to achieve world peace that has been the major goal of UN since inception and has been emphasized in all United Nations Organization programs. Human rights and fundamental freedom is one of the central purposes of the UN charter and lies in the hearts of every objective and aim of United Nations. As members of the United Nations Organization, it is our prime responsibility to make sure that human rights are being enjoyed by everyone without any geographical limitations or any other distinction. We hope that this work will provide the information in a manner as comprehensive as possible for the present scenario and for the time to come. This a proof of great cultural, moral and spiritual transformations that are taking happening on the global level that problems of human rights and liberties have been put on the first level with the highest priority.