Master core content areas. Test your knowledge. Prepare for certification and clinical practice.
Assure that you have the in-depth understanding of advanced pathophysiology, advanced pharmacology, advanced health assessment, diagnostic reasoning, clinical decision making, and the interplay between these concepts that are required for exam success.
In addition to an-depth review of core content, you’ll also have access to Davis Edge, the online Q&A platform that creates quizzes based on your personal strengths and weaknesses and tracks your progress every step of the way.
Approximately 240 questions in the book and 1,000 questions online at Davis Edge parallel the domain and content areas of the examination outlines of both the American Nurses Credentialing Center and the American Association of Critical Care. Answers and in-depth rationales for correct and incorrect responses advance your mastery and understanding. And, like the exam, the questions focus on analysis and synthesis of information rather than memorization.