This student book covers all 4 units required to complete the full certificate. Learners using the Student Book can also access exclusive interactive e-learning materials to check their knowledge and consolidate learning.
Clear, accessible content ensures learners of all ages and abilities can progress through the course.
Case studies help learners contextualise their learning and understand how their knowledge could be applied to real life situations.
Think about boxes stretch and challenge learners, prompting them to think and research further around the topics they are covering.
Interactive materials such as quizzes and video on the Safe Road Skills and Attitudes website give learners the chance work independently, testing their knowledge and find out for themselves where there are areas for improvement.
*Completion of the 13-credit Level 1 Certificate in Safe road Skills & Attitudes qualification entitles learners to sit a shorter version of the Theory Test for Drivers if passed within three years of certification. They will also benefit from a reduced fee for the test.