Continuing with the theme of Be-Attitudes presented in 'Plan Be', this title looks at the life of Dave Andrews and his relationship with Jesus. Dave Andrews is a man who refuses to throw up his hands and bemoan the state of the world. He has a plan. Or, rather, he has Jesus' plan. And this plan, to be the change we want to see in the world, has been calling us all to action since Jesus spoke and Matthew wrote down what he said in the fifth chapter of his gospel. While most of us are at least familiar with the Beatitudes, few of us have reflected as deeply on their life-changing, world-transforming potential as Dave Andrews has.
Each chapter of See What I Mean? puts the flesh and blood of sacrifice and service on the words Jesus spoke. All of the people you meet in these pages will inspire you to go forth and be the change you want to see - in your family, in your neighbourhood, in our world.