Most white papers and books available on wireless security are centered around 802.11 standards. Most explain the built-in security features of 802.11 protocols, explain future security standards development and requirements, list (and sometimes describe in detail) known security weaknesses of 802.11 networks, and describe the countermeasures that a wireless network manager or system administrator can take to reduce the risks presented by these flaws. Wireless networks are quickly becoming commonplace rather than the luxury that they were only two years ago. Wireless networks are everywhere from college dorms to developing nations and corporate settings. As the wireless network becomes more pervasive additional technologies and standards have been developed to support them. Many current telecommunications and wireless networking books are undergoing revision to cover WiMax, ZigBee, 802.15, 802.16, and recent developments in Bluetooth. Keeping up to date with the contemporary list of threats, as well as the devices and standards to defend against them is vital to organizations and their networks. Wi Foo II: The Secrets of Wireless Hackingteaches penetration testers how to evaluate the security of a wireless network, and then show administrators how to fortify their networks, going beyond just 802.11. This newly updated and revised edition of the hit first edition will help adminstrators know of, prepare for, and defend agains these threats.