As part of the 14-19 curriculum change, Heinemann has been working in partnership with OCR to produce an exciting suite of resources focused to the new OCR A Level History B specification.
- Interactive LiveText with additional activities, sources and resources
- Helps students achieve their potential
- Our unique Exam Cafe offers students a motivating way to prepare thoroughly for their exams - see the 'Try' pages for sample Exam Cafe spreads!
What is
Exam Cafe?
In our unique
Exam Cafe, students will find plenty of support to help them prepare for their exams. They can
Relax, because there's handy revision advice from fellow students,
Refresh their memories with summaries of key ideas and
Get That Result through practising exam-style questions, accompanied by hints and tips on answering questions.
Exam Cafe appears in the Student Book at the end of each chapter.
Exam Cafe in the CD-ROM provides further revision practise, hints, audio sample answers and much more.