PLIGHT OF NON-GRADUATE EMPLOYEES raises awareness of how OUTSOURCING has become, as it were, a versatile machinery for the unfair recruitment of hundreds of millions of graduate and non-graduate employees to become victims of the various forms of workplace marginalization. This book shines a light on the ills of corporate marginalization; amplifies the hurting voices of its millions of victims and raises a noble, objective and balanced advocacy for the eradication of all forms of workplace marginalization against the outsourced graduate and non-graduate employees in our nations' workplaces. Key economic objectives of the advocacy in this book include: facilitating countries' efforts to achieve and sustain a double digit growth in their Gross Domestic Product (GDP), among other national economic goals; as well as serving as a proactive measure towards averting another global financial meltdown, among other global economic goals. PLIGHT OF NON-GRADUATE EMPLOYEES is the pilot literature in the "Project" book series. Project is a resilience boosting, vision inspirational and dream motivational concept that offers hope and encouragement to millions of discouraged individuals, especially the marginalized, outsourced graduates and non-graduates who possess a vision for greatness, through the true inspirational comeback from setback stories of the courage, challenges, struggles and eventual success of other vision-driven individuals who followed their dreams and rose from obscurity to prominence.