This is an in-depth book centered around Algebra featuring beautiful and intriguing problems. It is the culmination of many years in curriculum development, teaching experience, and question-writing. All problems were created by the authors. It is a thorough work, presenting 13 chapters of problems with their respective solution chapters. The book showcases the heart of Algebra not as a textbook, but rather as a collection of the most essential concepts and their applications.
This book has 13 chapters of problems. Chapters 14 through 26 comprise of the solutions to the previous 13 chapters. The authors also present several solutions for a large part of the problems in order to provide a full picture of these essential algebraic techniques and their accompanying theorems. Authors really strived to illustrate the beauty and interconnectedness of Algebra by including these problems, all of which are original to the authors, and delicately arranging the chapters. Whether you are preparing for Olympiad level competitions such as USA(J)MO, are formally studying mathematics, or if Algebra simply piques your interest, we are confident that you will appreciate these topics and awesome problems.