Enriched with an introduction by David Forgacs, this book explores the complex relationship between photography and power in its various manifestations in Italian history throughout the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries. How did the Italian state employ the medium of photography as an instrument of dominance? In which ways has photography been used as a critical medium to resist hegemonic discourses? Taking into account published and unpublished images from professional photographers such as Letizia Battaglia, Tano D’Amico and Mario Cresci and non-professional photographers, artists, photo-reporters, and war soldiers, as well as social scientists and criminologists, such as Cesare Lombroso, this book unfolds the operations of power that lay behind the apparent objectivity of the photographic frame. Some essays in this volume discuss the use of photography in national and colonial discourses, as well as its employment in constructing images of power from war propaganda and fascism to public personas like Benito Mussolini and Silvio Berlusconi. Other contributions examine the ways in which the medium has been employed to create counter-hegemonic discourses, from the Resistance and the years of lead up to the contemporary times. Among the contributors to this volume are major international scholars on Italian photography such as Gabriele D’Autilia, Nicoletta Leonardi and Pasquale Verdicchio.