Coronavirus caused a significant tourism crisis in Portugal in 2020. This book aims to analyze the situation and proposes practical local solidarity and business models for information and knowledge dissemination about/against the pandemic causes/impact. It includes suggestions and rules to be used by social actors to better cope with Covid-19. These suggestions may augment their social solidarity, inclusive practices, citizenship education, and lifelong learning opportunities, within a safe, resilient, and sustainable city. Such recommendations may also inspire other socioeconomic stakeholders, medium/small corporations, ONGs, associations, and local communities to develop and diffuse such instruments.
The book aims to revitalize cultural tourism industries and services during and after the Covid-19 pandemic by helping create jobs in the areas of restoration, leisure, and culture via enhancement of knowledge transfer among universities, innovating industries, tourism agencies, museums, etc. This book is ideal for researchers, teachers, students, and other social agents within scientific communities, in connection with the above-mentioned scientific purposes, applied to technological and social needs.