Social Justice and the Modern Athlete: Exploring the Role of Athlete Activism in Social Change is an edited volume that identifies and discusses athletes who have been at the forefront of social movements to lead change in various areas of society, including politics, gender equity, mental health, and nonviolent protest. Contributors analyze how this activism speaks to the impact that athletes can have on raising awareness and the power they have to influence and rectify social injustices as they carry the baton to advance efforts that result in a more equitable social structure. This volume demonstrates the myriad ways in which athletes have conducted their social work both in the real world and the online sphere, addressing the spectrum of intersectional marginalization that exists in our society based on gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, ability, and class. Scholars of sports studies, communication, sociology, political communication, and gender studies will find this book of particular interest.
Contributions by: Andrew M. Abernathy, Stephen P. Andon, Meredith M. Bagley, Mariann Bardocz-Bencsik, Brandon Boatwright, Ann E. Burnette, Anthony Cavaiani, A. Michelle Clemon, Tamás Dóczi, Andrea Fallon-Korb, Lillian B. Feder, Beth Fielding-Lloyd, Konadu Gyamfi, Virginia S. Harrison, Megan R. Hill, Robert Kwame, Anthony LaStrape, Katherine L. Lavelle, John McGuire, Anthony Moretti, Korryn D. Mozisek, Ray Murray, Alison Novak, Vincent Peña Peña, Shannon Scovel, Brian G. Smith, Vincent Peña, Carolina Velloso, Mia Long Anderson, Mia Long Anderson