This ambitious and original work explores the complex interrelationship between democracy and regional integration. Its empirical center of gravity rests in Europe, yet the volume shifts the common terms of discussion on integration and democracy by including case studies outside of Europe and by exploring a broader range of themes, especially the fate of domestic institutions and processes in an integrating milieu. This novel focus also enriches the contributors' fresh analysis of the European Union's democratic deficit, the impact of regional integration on national democracy, and the dynamic interactions between democracy and integration elsewhere in the world. This ambitious and original work explores the complex interrelationship between democracy and regional integration. Its empirical center of gravity rests in Europe, yet the volume shifts the common terms of discussion by including case studies outside the region and by exploring a broader range of themes, especially the fate of domestic institutions and processes in an integrating milieu. This focus enriches the contributors' analysis of the European Union's democratic deficit, the impact of regional integration on national democracy, and the dynamic interactions between democracy and integration elsewhere in the world.
Contributions by: José Augusto Guilhon Albuquerque, António Barreto, Thomas J. Biersteker, Péter Gedeon, Jack Hayward, Paulette Kurzer, Gary Marks, Wolfgang Merkel, Gustavo Vega-Cánovas