This is a short, practical, step-by-step guide designed to justify, inspire and support the whole process of clearing out the sheer amount of stuff that schools accumulate. "The DeCluttered School" is about enhancing life, and ultimately learning, from an environmental wellness perspective. The book is a short, practical, step-by-step guide designed to justify, inspire and support the whole process of clearing out the sheer amount of stuff that schools accumulate. Children can't move freely around rooms and often have to remain desk bound as their learning spaces are so crammed with ancient display, broken furniture and stored paraphernalia. Cleaners everywhere complain they can't do their job properly because they can't get round schools to clean under, behind, or on top of things any more. And absenteeism frequently occurs due to respiratory problems resulting from the fact that schools are dirty and parasites commonplace. Everyone in school deserves to be valued and nourished by their environment, instead of being depleted and undermined as is often the case today.
The time is right for people to acknowledge that school settings matter: there is an awareness of this issue and a willingness to deal with it. This book is intended as a solution, not part of the overload that has caused much of the problem in the first place. As Michael Fullan says, 'No more projectitus'. "The DeCluttered School" will inspire schools to clear up and encourage them to make the message part of the school ethos.