Engelskspråkig version av Fjällvandrarens trollguide!Do you have plans to hike in the Swedish mountains? Then this is the book that must be a part of your equipment! A majority of the trolls and beings that can be found in the mountains are presented here. These plants, animals and creatures are not mentioned in the regular literature about mountain flora and fauna. Your chances of surviving your mountain hike unharmed increases enormously if you read the contents of this book. Here are no recommendations on what type of underwear that will keep you warm – no, for example you can learn how to avoid the jaws of death if you encounter the triple-headed terror from Låkkta. Additionally, there is the educational aspect. Imagine learning about the specifics of the Gorm Trolls and Parabol Gnomes before seeing them in their natural habitat.Good luck on your mountain hike! And watch out for the Constipation Morel...