The concept of accessibility is linked to the level of opportunities available for spatial interaction (flows of people, goods or information) between a set of locations, through a physical and/or digital transport infrastructure network. Accessibility has proved to be a crucial tool for understanding the framework of sustainability policy in light of best practice planning and decision-making processes. Methods such as cost-benefit analysis, multi-criteria analysis and risk analysis can benefit greatly from embedding accessibility results.
This book presents a cohesive collection of recent studies, modeling and discussing spatial interaction by means of accessibility indicators. Three key areas of information are discussed:
(i) methods and data sources used to estimate spatial interaction through accessibility indicators;
(ii) spatial and social dimension of accessibility;
(iii) accessibility as a driver of spatial interaction.
Accessibility and Spatial Interaction demonstrates the integration of spatial economics with transport and planning science, using accessibility concepts and measures in exciting new ways. Policy makers and practitioners in transport and urban planning will appreciate this fresh level of insight, and academics in economics, sociology and geography will find this book an important reference point.
Contributors include: P. Arbués, J. Baños, S. Caschili, A. Condeço-Melhorado, A. de Montis, G. Galiazzo, U. Gråsjö, J. Gutiérrez, K. Haynes, A. Holl, C. Karlsson, R. Kulkarni, M. Mayor, D.P. McArthur, K. Nagel, T.W. Nicolai, J. Östh, A. Reggiani, P. Remoaldo, V. Ribeiro, M.H. Salas-Olmedo, L.A. Schintler, R. Stough, I. Thorsen, D. Trogu, J. Ubøe