You will find 792 questions of different formats, distributed into 3 chapters. The 215 multiple choice questions of chapter one will surf you onto a rapid review of information to consolidate your background knowledge of neuro-anatomy, neuro-physiology, neuro-pharmacology, neuro-pathology,...etc. In addition, testing the clinical aspects of various diseases is also included. Chapter two will self-assess you in terms of how to make a provisional diagnosis, what features refute or confirm your preliminary diagnosis, how to investigate, what to do next, the best treatment option, and the prognosis of various diseases. The photographic materials are found in chapter three. You will encounter various neurological complications/manifestations/signs of system diseases as well. Brain CT scan, MRI, MRV, and EEG images,...etc of common diseases will test your ability to interpret/read/analyze their diagnosis and management. About 490 pages, full-color, on white.