A new collaboration continues The Horn Book's popular retrospective series featuring in-depth coverage of the most prestigious awards in children's book publishing - the Newbery and Caldecott Medals! Educators, librarians, scholars, and book lovers alike will delight at this one-stop source of information on the crown jewels of children's literature. Organized chronologically by year, entries will feature book summaries, selected excerpts, reviews published both in The Horn Book and Booklist, acceptance speeches, and biographical essays about the winners. Capturing the excitement surrounding award-winning authors and books, this comprehensive reference will help you to: Gain insights, from acceptance speeches and engaging biographical essays, about the creative process of each talented winner. Understand why each book was chosen in the context of how it was critically reviewed at the time of publication. Consider the visual history of the awards through each of the winning cover illustrations. Analyze cultural and literary trends from year to year. With 75 years of rich history behind it, The Horn Book has been one of the leading journals covering and reviewing children's literature. The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of the American Library Association, is an organization that supports the profession of children's librarianship and annually awards the Newbery and Caldecott Medals.