With libraries under the gun to provide more and better services, and with fewer resources in many cases, they need to come up with innovative and reliable ways to fund new initiatives. Providing targeted access to the most promising major givers, The Big Book of Library Grant Money 2002-2003 is the largest directory available, pulled from an authoritative and upto-the-minute database of library-specific funders. This forward-looking edition includes more than 2,175 private and corporate foundations and givers that have either indicated an interest in giving money to libraries or have already done so. Organized by state, potential donors in The Big Book are profiled with contact and portfolio information, past contributions summary and analysis, and application information. With historical data, you can track contributions and assets and predict future giving patterns. Offering you the most "hooks" for connecting with actual people, The Big Book also provides biographical information on more than 34,000 foundation officers, directors, trustees, and corporate officers. As an added feature, ALA's own development office experts have included tips on winning grants for libraries.
Tailored to be the definitive sourcebook for identifying library-friendly givers, the 2002-2003 edition is a must-have for libraries seeking a share of the more than 11 billion dollars set aside by Big Book givers.