The National Lipid Association (NLA) is a non-profit, multi-disciplinary medical society focused on enhancing the practice of lipid management in clinical medicine. The NLA represents more than 3,500 members in the United States and provides continuing medical education for physicians and other healthcare professionals to advance professional development and attain certification in clinical lipidology. The NLA's public health mission is to help reduce deaths related to high cholesterol, and the Association defines clinical lipidology as a multidisciplinary branch of medicine focusing on lipid and lipoprotein metabolism and their associated disorders. International Guidelines Center (IGC) provides healthcare professionals with society-endorsed GUIDELINES Pocketcards that are current, practical, and portable. With over 8 million copies in circulation, GUIDELINES Pocketcards are preferred by healthcare professionals worldwide for referencing guideline information at the point of care. IGC partners with over thirty medical societies to provide quick-reference tools that physicians rely on for credible guidance in managing medical conditions.