This comprehensive manual walks ophthalmologists, technicians, and coding staff through the What, Why and How of ophthalmic coding and documentation requirements. It establishes a foundation for coding accurately in order to avoid coding errors that can lead to penalties. For those new to ophthalmic coding, this book is a must-have training resource. It covers all elements of coding from CPT to modifiers, testing services and surgical procedures. For more experienced coders and billers, this guide can help transform ineffective coding habits to effective and efficient ones allowing each exam, test and procedure to get properly reimbursed each and every time. Plus, along with the 2015 Ophthalmic Coding Series: Speciality Topics collection, this book is the best study guide for the Ophthalmic Coding Specialist' Exam allowing you to test your coding prowess and take your career to the next level. Chapters include: Code This Chart Coding Compliance CPT(R), ICD-9 and ICD-10 Codes Evaluation and Management (E/M) and Eye Code Documentation Frequently Asked Questions Introduction to Ophthalmic Coding Major and Minor Surgical Procedures Modifiers Testing Services