This volume of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series contains all the papersaccepted forpresentation atthe 11thIFIP/IEEEInternationalWorkshop on Distributed Systems: Operations & Management (DSOM 2000), which was held at the Thompson Conference Center, The University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA, from 4 to 6 December, 2000. DSOM 2000 is the eleventh workshop in a series of annual workshops and it followsin the footsteps ofhighlysuccessful previous meetings, themost recent of whichwere held inZurich, Switzerland (DSOM'99), Delaware, USA (DSOM'98) andSydney, Australia(DSOM'97).The goalof the DSOMworkshops is tobring together researchers in the areas of network, systems and services management, from both industry and academia, to discuss recent advances and foster future growth in this e ld. In contrast to the larger management symposia, such as IM (Integrated Management) and NOMS (Network Operations and Management Symposium), the DSOM workshops are organized as single-track programs in order to stimulate interaction among participants. The speci c focus of DSOM 2000 is Services Management in Intelligent Networks", re?ecting the current interest and development in the el d of d- tributed, networked application services, their de nition, operation and m- agement.
Most of the papers presented at the workshop address some important aspect of this broad problem area. This year we have departed slightly from the traditional DSOM format. We have introduced two sessions devoted to the presentation and discussion of papers that describe work-in-progress.