To explore how the use of technology can facilitate progress toward globally recognized health priorities, the Forum on Public–Private Partnerships for Global Health and Safety organized a public workshop. Participants identified and explored the major challenges and opportunities for developing and implementing digital health strategies within the global, country, and local context, and framed the case for cross-sector and cross-industry collaboration, engagement, and investment in digital health strategies. This publication summarizes the presentations and discussions from the workshop.
Table of Contents
Front Matter
1 Introduction
2 Digital Health Within the Current Global Context
3 Enabling a Multidisciplinary Approach to Health
4 Country-Level Digital Health Strategies
5 Push Versus Pull at the Community Level
6 Tapping into Grassroots Initiatives and Entrepreneurs
7 Final Thoughts
Appendix A: References
Appendix B: Workshop Agenda
Appendix C: Speaker and Moderator Biographical Sketches