The end of the Cold War has brought a new form of world disorder. The systems and strategies imposed by the global balance of power of the Cold War have evaporated. The international system is seeking a new equilibrium between global integration and global disintegration. Natural forces of economic and cultural integration are opposed by equal and opposite forces of national and cultural particularism, and by the conflicts flowing from gross inequalities and injustices of social and economic order. New threats to international public order have been added to centuries-old forms of international conflict.
Our national societies have always had systems of ideas and ideals to help us to co-operate as effectively as possible for our survival and prospering. The international system has never had a greater need for a philosophy of society and law to explain and to guide the co-existence and co-operation of all human beings, as inhabitants of a habitat which we all must share. Eunomia - New Order for a New World is an attempt to provide such a universal philosophy of society and law. It is a philosophy of social idealism, in which all human beings and all human societies might find a means of taking power, through the power of ideas, over the overwhelming complexity and energy of the new world in which we find ourselves - a world full of danger and full of hope.
This paperback edition contains a new analysis of the state of that world and new proposals for the practical application of a philosophy of social idealism.