Jess is out for a walk with her friends when she is faced with a difficult situation and is not afraid to step in. Despite her disabilities, she sets about helping Rosie the guide dog get her master safely back to his family. | Jess has sight problems herself, which is why she wanted to write this book. She lost confidence for a while and was frightened about losing her sight, but Jess as usual bounced back and now volunteers at Guide Dogs for the Blind events. | Since the last book, 'She's Still My Nan', Jess has received two amazing awards, including a permanent plaque at The Hive Library in Worcester for achievements as an author. Jess also received a national award as a leader of people with learning disabilities and autism for changing her community. She inspires people to never give up because `It's ok to be different because we are all the same inside!'
Illustrated by: Emily Daly