Part of New National Geographic Insight Series featuring breathtaking photographic retrospectives by individual photographers on a variety of subjects. Photographers will be profiled in ongoing, daily segments of the same name on the new National Geographic Channel, reaching more than 100 million households worldwide. Portraits of America will focus on the American photography of one of the world's best photographers. A legend in the photographic community, William Albert Allard has documented aspects of the American experience for a period scanning four decades. From the gritty tough-life existence of the American Cowboy to the heritage of the American Blues Highway, Allard has concentrated on segments of this country that have been largely overlooked. Whether interpreting William Faulkner's Mississippi or exploring the lifestyles around minor league baseball, Allard brings a sharp, creative focus to his work. This 256-page book will be printed on a heavyweight matte stock and feature around 175 of Allard's best photographs. A foreword by Richard Ford will introduce Allard and his work and will be followed by sections on the various subjects that Allard has photographed.
Allard has written incisive introductions to these sections. The portfolios are the heart and soul of the book. They feature photographs of the different cross-sections that Allard has documented. The portfolios are presented in chronological order showing the creative development of the photographer 1. The Amish, 1964 Minnesota Lakes, 1991; 2. Missouri Breaks, 1996; 3. Along the Blues Highway, 1997; 4. Rodeo, 1998; 5. Minnesota Lakes, 1991; 6. The Hutterites, 1969; 7. The American West, 1966 - 1979; 8. Faulkeners Country, 1986 - 1987; 9. Minor League Baseball, 1990; 10. Minnesota Lakes, 1991; 11. Missouri Breaks, 1996; 12. Along the Blues Highway, 1997; 13. Rodeo, 1998