This book is designed to address vulnerabilities in a network at all levels. Hence, it will cover WAN security, router and switch security, wireless network security, server and workstation security, and even remote access security. It covers best practices in major security tasks including developing a security model, monitoring for and logging security breaches, and responding to an attack. Liska also covers where a firewall should be placed in a network, and the purpose of a DMZ. Part 1: Introduction - provides the scope of network security, and helps a network administrator develop a security strategy, including providing numbers for revenue lost because of security incidents. Part 2: The Network - covers LAN and WAN security concerns. The idea is to restrict access into the network and prevent problems that occur in one area of the network from affecting others. Part 3: Firewalls - where to place them and the need for a DMZ. Part 4: Servers and Workstations - covers some of the fundamental problems with securing servers and workstations. Part 5: Monitoring and responding to attacks. It covers monitoring the network, what to look for, how to log information, and what to do if a network is attacked. Part 6: Bringing it all Together - take the network initially deployed, and demonstrate how the network has been better secured.