This volume contains an extensive summary of most of the papers presented during the eighth annual international conference of the International Academy of Business Disciplines held in 1996. The focus of this year's conference was "A Strategic Approach to Globalization through Technology and Diversity." This volume is part of the continuing efforts of IABD to make available current research findings and other contributions to practitioners and academics. Contents: Introduction; Accounting; Advertising and Marketing Communications; Behavioral Research in Auditing; Corporate Communications; Global Perspectives; Diversity Issues and Women in Management; Entrepreneurship/Small Business; Ethics and Social Issues in Business; Finance; GLobal Management/Environment; Human Resources Management and Organizational Behavior; International Accounting; International Business; International Marketing; Internationalisation of the Curriculum; Management Information Systems; Management of Quality; Management Science/Decision Science; Marketing Strategy; Marketing Theory and Models; On-Line Technology in Management; Organizational Theory; Pedegogical/Instructional Issues; Production/Operations Managament/Manufacturing/Services; Public Relations/Public Affairs/Lobbying and Media Business Issues; Research Methods in Business; Retailing and Consumer Behavior; Retail Management; Services Marketing/Non-Profit Marketing; Special Session; Strategic Management; Student Papers.