In this text, internationally recognized authors explore and explain the advances in basic and clinical electrophysiology that have had the greatest impact on catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation (AF).
Designed to assist in patient care, stimulate research projects, and continue the remarkable advances in catheter ablation of AF, the book covers:
the fundamental concepts of AF, origin of signals, computer simulation, and updated reviews of ablation tools
the present practical approaches to the ablation of specific targets in the fibrillating atria, including pulmonary veins, atrial neural network, fragmented electrograms, and linear lesions, as well as the strategies in paroxysmal or chronic AF or facing left atrial tachycardias
the special challenge of heart failure patients, the impact of ablation on mortality, atrial mechanical function, and lessons from surgical AF ablation
Richly illustrated by numerous high-quality images, Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation will help every member of the patient care team.