Yearbook of Langland Studies 6
The Yearbook of Langland Studiespublishes work of specialinterest to students of `Piers Plowman' and other related poems inthe alliterative tradition. Its focus is literary but studies of thepertinent social, religious andintellectual background are also included.
In this volume: an annotated bibliography of the year's work in the field, with articles on the formation of the Wycliffite Langland, MS Bodley and the dissemination of Piers PlowmanImaginatif and the Sensus Communis, and Piers Plowman and St Erkenwald and the rule of exceptional salvation. Contributors: JOHN BOWERS, RALPH HANNA III, ANDREW GALLOWAY, PATRICK GALLACHER, FRANK GRADY, A. S. G. EDWARDS, VINCENT DiMARCO.