This book is the final in a trilogy of bible study devotionals released by Alexander over a 12-month period. It contains 21 lessons that have been pulled from the pages of Paul's Letter to the Romans. The lessons in this book, as well as in Alexander's previous two books (Sunday school lessons from the book of the Acts of the Apostles and Sunday school lessons from the Gospel according to John Mark) are simple and straightforward, and, are to be used to help introduce people to CHRIST, and to the Christian ideaology that comes from the mind of GOD. The book of Romans takes us through a deeper study of JESUS' actions, during HIS 3-year earthly ministry, and shows us how the work of the Apostle Paul and other early Church workers, were able to clearly show the world the difference between Judaism and the, then new, Gospel of CHRIST. They presented Chritianity as the universal religion for all mankind, and showed that it was not just a tiny sect of Judaism for the benefit of the Jews.