Port Management and Operations is the essential guide to port management in the twenty-first century. It offers unparalleled coverage of the different types of port and the essential elements therein, including administration, management, economics and operations. Readers are provided with a complete understanding of port activity, enabling managers to see where they fit into the maritime transport sector as a whole. By drawing on their wealth of practical and academic experience, the authors succeed in providing an accessible overview of this vital, complex and rapidly-changing industry. This fourth edition has been fully revised and updated to reflect the latest developments in the port industry today. New to this edition: * Completely restructured into four key parts: Development and Evolution, Management and Administration, Port Operations, and Ports in the Transport Chain.
* International approach, with case studies taken from major ports around the world * Enhanced coverage of global terminal operators, environmental impact assessment, modern port technology, human resource management and corporate social responsibility * Thorough analysis of the role of ports with respect to logistics and supply chain networks. * Comprehensive references to further reading, pointing readers to additional sources of information. This book is essential reading for professionals entering a career in port operations and management and students of maritime management worldwide.