There is growing interest in the relationship between gender and entrepreneurial activity. In this book, 37 eminent scholars from diverse academic disciplines contribute cutting-edge research that addresses, from a gender perspective, three general areas of importance: key characteristics of entrepreneurs, key performance attributes of entrepreneurial firms, and the role of financial capital in the establishment and growth of entrepreneurial firms.
Each chapter focuses on original, burgeoning themes related to gender and entrepreneurship, with forward-looking research that highlights key findings. For example, some authors show how the so-called 'gender divide' in patenting is greater than in publishing for academic entrepreneurs. Others explore the corruption in business practices, which is less for women entrepreneurs than their male counterparts, and explain why gender diversity is higher in equity crowdfunding than in other entrepreneurial finance markets. The book takes a global approach, offering examples of entrepreneurs from around the world.
Scholars and students interested in entrepreneurship and the role of gender in business will find this volume informative and eye opening.
Contributors include: D.B. Audretsch, D. Benaroio, O. Bengtsson, A. Blume, M.E. Blume-Kohout, F. Carne, S. Coleman, J.A. Cunningham, B. Dolan, R.K. Goel, D. Göktepe-Hultén, C.S. Hayter, J. Hegland, N. Hodges, M. Johannesson, E. Karpova, M. Koparanova, E. Leahey, E.E. Lehmann, A.N. Link, L. Lynch, V. Mangematin, S. Marcketti, R. Mohammed, C. O'Kane, P. O'Reilly, M. Parker, R. Ram, A. Robb, T. Sanandaji, C. Trentini, S. Vismara, K. Watchravesringkan, M. Williams, K. Wirsching, R.-N. Yan, J. Yurchisin